About City Council
The City Council is the City's legislative body, with the power to enact all ordinances and resolutions. City Council members are elected from fourteen districts, and the President is elected at-large, by all voters of the City. The fifteen City Council members, along with the Mayor, act only by ordinance, resolution or motion. They adopt and may alter the annual budget and confirm the Mayor's appointments. The City Council is responsible for the appropriation and issuance of bonds. The City Council determines its own rules of procedure, and its meetings are open to the public.
City Council members are elected every four years. They are elected to geographic districts of roughly the same proportion of population.
The legislative process is a public process! Your elected representatives decide on legislation that affects you. Your participation is important. You can participate by submitting written or oral testimony either before or at a public hearing. Every bill has a public hearing. Click here for tips meant to help you participate in the legislative process.